In response to the articles posted above, I agree with both of them. They both describe how
this generation knows little about the world around them. There is cold hard information that the kids these days aren't as smart as they were "yesterday". But isn't it true that adults who write these statements and in general are always saying that the youth is out of control and not as smart as they should be?I believe that this new generation is smart in different areas other then history or knowing classical books, even though without that knowledge it is hard to get into a good college.
Teens of all ages today were introduced to new technology and a new world, a digital one.
Referencing to the first link posted above, I believe that it's points are strong, but the author for lack of a better word bashes today's teens for things like texting, instant messaging and voicing their both positive and negative attitudes in blogs. I do not think that because kids do not use proper grammar, punctuation and even spelling in their normal conversation through means of the internet means that they are any dumber then "yesterdays youth". I believe that there has always been slang and abbreviated speech since the dawn of time, and that the author of this article uses these examples only because they are concreet proof.
On the other hand, I also think that it is a disgrace that teens do not know certain information
and knowledge that is so basic and important like the nation's history. Therefore, schools should focus more intently on teaching kids like the good old days by making them read their textbooks and abosorbing information instead of assinging them them to look it up online which makes them more susceptable to forget.