Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jesus Christ Art Controversy

Jesus Christ Satirical Art

This blog was pretty cool because it showed a lot of modern art that is being made.
This particular blog entry was really interesting because it was a satire about Jesus Christ.
There is always controversy about what is appropriate art and what clearly is not. A lot of people were outraged by the pieces of art that were being made in a mockery of Jesus.
I thought that it was a little bit insulting since I am of the Catholic faith, but then again art is just a way to express a unique vision.


Steff said...

That is pretty cool. How did you come across the art blog? Are you into that? I liked when you said that art is just an unique expression. Even though you feel insulted, you still do not get outraged like the others in the blog because you realize that everyone is entitled to their own position.

Alien Moon Partnership said...

I found the blog quite interesting. Its strange to see so many people get worked up over art. No matter how much people complain about whats "offensive", they know people won't stop making it. But maybe I;m being bias, because I'm not christian...

Yer.Biggest.Fan said...

Very wise Brianna, I like how you contrasted their right to expression with your right to rebuke.