Monday, February 2, 2009

Che Guevara- The False Idol

At the beginning of this video, I had no idea who this guy named “Che” was, but after watching the video several more times I gained a better understanding of who this man was and what he did. I think that some of Beck’s facts were wrong, or were embellished simply because of his attitude towards what he was talking about. I agree that Che Guevara killed many people and is responsible for many deaths, and I also was
was shocked that his face was printed on tee shirts of ignorant “westerners”. When Glen was talking about how Che was an executioner a judge and a jury I was shocked because I have no idea who this guy is nor have I seen him on a shirt. Beck talked in a way that he was trying to get his point across before he laid out the actual facts that would help prove his points. I think that the manner in which he spoke would make anyone not want to listen or watch his video because it is almost sarcastic and extremely embellished and over zealous. Beck’s key points were that Che has been idolized by people who do not know who he was. Beck was trying to expose the truth that Che was a communist that was responsible for killing people. He also claims that Che is almost a celebrity communist. Che is a man who killed many people, and should not be glorified for it.


KBlodgett said...

I agree. I do not think that Che should be idolized, but I too still think Beck may have embellished things a bit much. He almost reminds me of Stephen Colbert. They dramatize things excessively to get their points across.

Adelle said...

I also agree. I was also shocked when I heard Che was his own Jury and Judge and all that jazz. Like seriously who is he? But anyway, he deff. should not be idolized for being the reason for many many deaths. Maybe if Beck hadn't been so sarcastic, he would have gotten his point across to all the westerners.