Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Voice, A Rhythmic Song

This blog post is in response to blog prompt number 11.

"When the bleeding stops and Mam's gums heal she goes to the clinic for her false teeth. She says she;l give up the smoking when her new teeth are in but she never does. The new teeth rub on her gums and make them sore and the smoke of the Woodbines eases them," (pg139, A.Ashes).

Frank has a specific way of telling a story, as I mentioned in previous blog posts. He puts conversations and slurs peoples dialogue together. I think that being a child makes him less attentive, but the way he writes/speaks is very easy to get confused. If you jump in the middle of one of his paragraphs it's hard to understand who is talking and what is going on because of the lack of direction.
I do not think this is a very successful method for Frank, but it also gives the book a style and differentiated from other books from a kid's point of view.

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