Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cool Facts- stuff you didn't know about the "born gay" debate

1. According to a 2006 peer-reviewed study, a man's odds of being gay increase 33% with each older male sibling.
2. The first anti-homosexual law in the American colonies, The Buggery Act of Henry VIII, resulted in the 1624 hanging of Richard Cornish for having sex with a 29-year-old cabin boy.
3. Some researchers equate the traits of same-sex orientation with left-handedness.
4. In 1940, a Columbia University professor named Sandor Rado proposed the theory that homosexuality is a phobia of members of the opposite sex.
5. As of 1999, researchers had observed same-sex behavior in over 475 animal species.
6. Scientific studies have demonstrated physiological differences between heterosexual and homosexual people, such as eyeblink rates, inner ear structure, and hypothalamus size. Other studies have disputed these findings and other research on anatomical differences.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The U.S. Meltdown

As the election is heating up, more and more issues are arising in the United States. With the economy failing, businesses are folding up left and right, people are foreclosing their homes, and the stock market is at one of the lowest points since the depression in 1929.
The Cato-at-liberty blog hits home great points about how this election is really starting to get out of hand, including how Racism in the election is a big issue. But what I found interesting about this blog post was that Obama is facing less discrimination for his color, then former President John F. Kennedy faced during his 1960 election for being catholic.

A huge debate on what to do with the U.S's economy is the main focus of the Cato blog. Obama and McCain's tax plans are extremely different, but Obama's is stirring a lot of contraversy and is said to be almost socialistic. This is a video that compares both of the presidential candidates tax plans.

Overall, this blog has everything there is to know about what is going on from the economy, to the election and I feel very up to date about what's been going on lately.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Independant Party Blog

This blog, The Independent Party Blog is really fascinating because it shows a completely unexpected point of view of today's government and society. The format of this blog is really out of the ordinary because of it's layout; it has columns going down and a picture as the header. Each entry starts with Dear members of the independent party.. I think that the way the blog is designed gives it a more modern feel, representing the independent party.

This blog was a lot different from the other blogs that I have browsed through. This one focused on putting out a message that would reach people who have an alternative opinion on government and the way things are run in the United States. Other blogs that I have read have been a lot shorter and seemed to trail off topic compared to this one.

The most recent entry on this blog talks about polygamy from what it is to why it is practiced. The writer of this blog compares polygamy to divorce, divorce does not make society better, in yet it is still legal while polygamy is not. The entry also has links to other blogs that show the benefits of being in a polygamist relationship and how it is highly prevalent in Africa.

I believe that polygamy should be legal, as long as it is not forced. I've seen a lot of different things on the news about how teenage girls were brainwashed into marrying and bearing children of these older men, which seemed outrageous to me. I believe that if it is someones culture to have multiple spouses, then it should be legal.