Monday, May 11, 2009

Connections to Wallflower

As I delve more deeply into my independent reading book, I find that I am more like the character then I thought. He has developed relationships with people older then him, and I find myself almost like the people he is friends with. I have a lot of younger friends that I am really going to miss when I graduate, ones that have changed me and made an impact on my life. I can only imagine what he is going through right now, having all of his friends leave him, he is left to recreate himself again. I guess you could almost say that it's his fault for making older friends, but we cant chose friends, it just happens. On page 173 Charlie the main character is talking about how he is an outcast again, his friends left and now he is forced to be alone. The main character has really grown since the beginning of his school year, and I think he is okay with being alone and eventually he will make freinds again like he did before. The worst feeling for some people is being alone, while to others it is the best. I feel as if Charlie once enjoyed being alone, not having experienced friendship and companionship. I really hope the book turns out well and he makes new friends, because being alone is the worst feeling once you know what it's like to have friends.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Seeing as there are already a million valedictorians there wouldn't really be much to say after them. I think that the best thing to say would be good luck and have a great time at college. Graduating high school is a really big deal, even though school sucked really bad all four years, we have been surrounded by the same people for so long, its hard to say goodbye. Through the friendships and the ridiculous amount of work and the stubborn teachers we've put up with for the past century, it is all coming to a close. I think that it's not goodbye, it's just good luck until we meet again.

Monday, May 4, 2009


From what I've read so far, the characters in this book are all individually unique but also they have many similarities. The main character charlie has adapted himself to his friends in mostly a physical sense. I think that he has taken his surroundings and morphed them into himself. I think that by trying to put past his mental and emotional stress and being able to gain friends has turned him almost into a different person.

I think that some of the controversial topics mentioned in this book are what really make it a good read, I initially expected it to be about something different. I also do not like to make predictions about what will happen to the characters at the end of the book because following their paths throughout the book has been really difficult because they all went through so many experiences and changes.