Friday, February 27, 2009


Bad credit, debt, economic fear galore.
play on words!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Personal Ideology

When I think about the things that define me, my ideals and values, I can't think of any. My personalities and view points change so drastically I cannot have a concrete moral or ideal. I think that I am a chameleon, I adapt to my surroundings. I pick and choose what I see in other people, and I adapt their best qualities to my own. I feel as if that is my only true ideal, to follow your wandering mind wherever it takes you. As long as you're not greedy or revengeful, or even jealous, life will be smoother. If you love with all of your heart and try not to take advice as well as negativity to harshly will succeed in everything you do.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Comparing New York Times Article to Che Guevara

I think that the article in question, , hardly compares to what Che Guevara intended to do while in Bolivia. I agree that both Guevara and the Taliban/Al Qaeda are similar in the fact that the United States is trying to prevent them from their inentions, other then that I hardly see a similarity. I think that Che was more innocent and he himself was trying to lead a revolution that was needed in Bolivia. I think that there is also one other similarity that both Che Guevara and Al Qaeda and the Taliban have a strong hate for the United States and it's interference with revolutionary plans. I feel as if comparing this article to the work of Che Guevara would be like comparing apples to bananas both being fruit but are made of different structures and taste differently.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Voice of Che Guevara

"It is a glimpse of two lives running parallel at a time, with similar hopes and convergent dreams." This quote describes Che Guevara's individual voice as the narrator of this story. Che is reflecting on his hopes and dreams he shares with at first what seems like his friend Alberto, but really Che was describing himself. I think that in a way Che wants to believe that he went on this journey purely to be adventurous, but looking back he had another side of himself that wanted this journey for other reasons.This quote has some imagery, it makes you imagine how his life is a journey. His syntax flows well, as well as his diction and word choice.

"My tired eyes refused to sleep and in them a pair of green spots swirled, representing the world I had left for dead behind me mocking the so-called liberation I sought." page 40. This quote immediately jumps out at me as having imagery. Also, it has a lot of descriptive words that portray this kind of mystical feeling he is having from lack of sleep. This quote also digs deeper into his subconscious viewpoint of his own journey during that time. He feels as if he is chasing a dream that is condoned.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I think that whoever captured Che killed him. I do not think it was an individual person that killed him, but probably a group of people who found him. I think that he was probably put to death quickly opposed to tortured. I think by this point, Che was already dead inside. After his physical appearance and transformation, he was no longer Che Guevara, but a radical that was so consumed with his work that he lost track of his own identity.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


It felt like I had been on the run for a decade. I never pictured my life this way, and looking back on the past few months, I hardly recognize my own shadow. I can't understand anything anyone is speaking about here, but it is my only escape from the life I destroyed. If there was a point in time where you could evaluate your life, and find the one moment in time where your life changed ultimately, I find that i would be . I wouldn't have killed my own brother out of greed, I never would have tried to steal his life because I would have recognized that jealousy clouded my vision of success. He was the portrait of perfection, and by killing him, my life would seem more glamorous. The death was simple, a drop of Cyanide in his morning orange juice. Everyday he would take his perfect body on a jog with his trophy girlfriend, around the city, where every single market owner would shout out his name in rejoice, his death would have satisfied every crook and twisted man, including myself. But I find that now I am alone, now I am left to flee the country, fleeing my old life, finally freeing myself from the pain and guilt of my mistakes. I am doomed to walk the earth by myself. There is nothing lonelier than adventure.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Ideology of Che Guevara

Throughout the documentary, viewers learn about the life of Che Guevara. He started off as a doctor, and then decided to travel the world. His intentions were good, and he wanted change for the countries he had power in. His whole ideology revolved around revolution and reform. Che had a more moral incentive to the revolution rather then the materialistic point of view. He wanted to be involved in the revolution purely for the good of the people rather then for the position of power he could receive from it While most dictators or influential people in the government were greedy, Che Guevara had a different outlook.

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Documentary on Che Guevara

If I were to create a documentary on a man who I know little to nothing about, I would research him first. I would have the documentary go in chronological order from his birth until his death because otherwise it gets too confusing and I think that the audience viewing the movie would be confused if it went it media res or having flash backs or beginning in the end. If I were the director I would make the most outstanding point, whether he was generally a good or bad person, and highlight on them the most.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Road Trip To Disney World :)

I remember back in 7th grade my family took a road trip to Florida. The purpose of going to Florida was to see Disney World and have a fun time ☺. All five of my family members piled into my Dad’s big white Tahoe, and we traveled what seemed like a million miles in order to reach our destination. Our first stop was in Virginia, where we had some lousy pancakes and orange juice with an obscene amount of pulp in it. Next we made it to South Carolina where we stopped at a rest stop. We did not really see any sights while traveling through these states, but I’ll never forget that I was actually in different states. We finally made it to Florida, St. Augustine, a beautiful beach with orange rocky sand. We stayed in a Hotel for a few days, it was breath taking there. We finally made it to Disney world and it was like seeing every theme park ever made all in one. We stayed in the Contemporary building, and we traveled around in the monorail to get from park to park. My favorite ride was the Rockin’ Roller Coaster. The hotel room was a double suite, the bed comforters had a weird blue green and pink pattern on them. The bathrooms were all in white, the counters were marble. The ride home was sad, I knew I wouldn’t be back in Florida for at least a long time.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Book Preview: The Motorcycle Diaries

When I first look at a book, I look at the cover to see what type of illustration on the front. Next I look at the color schemes to see if they follow a pattern. When a book is bright and eye catching, I am more likely to read it. When a book is black and white I think that it is old, therefore irrelevant to my life. This book has a white and black picture of a man, but also it includes the colors yellow and blue. After viewing Beck’s video about the man Che Guevara, I have nothing to expect but a book about a man who killed a lot of people and became a symbol of revolution. I think this book will be interesting not because of the main character but the title of the book. I want to learn why it is titled “The Motorcycle Diaries.”

Monday, February 2, 2009

Che Guevara- The False Idol

At the beginning of this video, I had no idea who this guy named “Che” was, but after watching the video several more times I gained a better understanding of who this man was and what he did. I think that some of Beck’s facts were wrong, or were embellished simply because of his attitude towards what he was talking about. I agree that Che Guevara killed many people and is responsible for many deaths, and I also was
was shocked that his face was printed on tee shirts of ignorant “westerners”. When Glen was talking about how Che was an executioner a judge and a jury I was shocked because I have no idea who this guy is nor have I seen him on a shirt. Beck talked in a way that he was trying to get his point across before he laid out the actual facts that would help prove his points. I think that the manner in which he spoke would make anyone not want to listen or watch his video because it is almost sarcastic and extremely embellished and over zealous. Beck’s key points were that Che has been idolized by people who do not know who he was. Beck was trying to expose the truth that Che was a communist that was responsible for killing people. He also claims that Che is almost a celebrity communist. Che is a man who killed many people, and should not be glorified for it.